Thursday, February 2, 2012

The FitzOsbornes in Exile

Title: The FitzOsbornes in Exile

Author: Michelle Cooper

Rating: 4 stars

Summary: Sophie FitzOsborne and the royal family of Montmaray escaped their remote island home when the Germans attacked, and now find themselves in the lap of luxury. Sophie's journal fills us in on the social whirl of London's 1937 season, but even a princess in lovely new gowns finds it hard to fit in. Is there no other debutante who reads?!

And while the balls and house parties go on, newspaper headlines scream of war in Spain and threats from Germany. No one wants a second world war. Especially not the Montmaravians—with all Europe under attack, who will care about the fate of their tiny island kingdom?

Will the FitzOsbornes ever be able to go home again? Could Montmaray be lost forever?

Review: The FitzOsbornes in Exile picks up right where A Brief History of Montmaray left off, and documents the events from Sophie's point of view for the next two years. Aunt Charlotte is determined to get Veronica and Sophie married off, sending them to every party possible for two Seasons, yet the two remain single. Sophie complains of her fellow debutantes, who are superficial back-stabbers, and asks where all the quiet book-loving girls are. *Waving my hand in the air wildly* We're right her! The Germans have taken over Montmaray and claim that it has been sold to them. With World War II about to begin, Sophie must rescue her kingdom before it becomes an insignificant problem no one will notice. 

I liked this one better than the first (as you can tell); there was more going on. Romance is tolerable when administered in such minuscule doses, but if there's a third book, there will most likely be more.

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