Sunday, April 15, 2012

Restoring Harmony

Title: Restoring Harmony

Author: Joelle Anthony

Rating: 3 stars

Summary: The year is 2041, and sixteen-year-old Molly McClure has lived a relatively quiet life on an isolated farming island in Canada, but when her family fears the worst may have happened to her grandparents in the US, Molly must brave the dangerous, chaotic world left after global economic collapse, one of massive oil shortages, rampant crime, and abandoned cities. Molly is relieved to find her grandparents alive in their Portland suburb, but they're financially ruined and practically starving. What should have been a quick trip turns into a full-fledged rescue mission. And when Molly witnesses something the local crime bosses wishes she hadn't, Molly's only way home may be to beat them at their own game. Luckily, there's a handsome stranger who's willing to help.

Review: No trip goes without a hitch, especially not in books. The state of the world was entirely plausible for only thirty years in the future, except for the Organization's guns. They were one of the very few technological advances, and they seemed too advanced to be real. I know that's an odd statement to make about a fiction book, but unless it's fantasy fiction or set in the incomprehensibly distant future, it has to be plausible on some level. The return trip was well done, but when they got to Canada all the problems were solved. Molly had started out with all theses problems, had more problems loaded on, then she got rid of those extra problems and by that time the original problems had already been dealt with.

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